W e l c o m e

Hi, my name is Ford. I have written a book and created this blog to initiate a most enigmatic conversation. A conversation that many of you, like me, have waited a lifetime to have. A conversation that because of various dogmatic features of our society we felt ashamed for exploring. The thoughts and questions were always there, but because of guilt, lack of understanding, and support we have been stifling those questions. Now all of that ends.

Though we are all "One" in a higher conscious self, we have divided ourselves into many for the purposes of exploring various aspects of our own imagination. I encourage "Other Me's" out there to participate in this blog and share your own thoughts on the meaning of life, the nature of consciousness, and your discovery of the true nature of reality.

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Becoming God • The World Is What You Make It

Anyone can participate in this blog so long as you stay on topic.  Plugging your own (related) stuff is okay after you have sincerely contributed to this blog, just please be subtle about it.  HTML promotions will be denied.

Monday, July 6, 2009

The Mind Reality

Using the following link: The Mind Reality , listen to the FREE preview excerpt from the book, Chapter 8: The Mind Reality and post comments about your thoughts regarding this model for the collective mind. Have you seen the metaphors symmetrically reflected in your life? If so, tell us about your experiences.

1 comment:

Jenee' Askins said...

All I have to say is, while I was listening to my Becoming God audio book, I was painting an acrylic painting of a majestic oak tree. I had envisioned the idea for a while. As the idea is taking shape on my canvas, Ford depicts a tree as a metaphor for the mind. I almost dropped my paintbrush. "Creativity is the key to the universe. Just unlock your mind, and the universe is inside you."